Lana Mercury

Writer • Workshops • Host • Project Management


The articles are written by Lana Mercury and cover a widespread of topics from technology, music, art to travel.

The importance of a community

The importance of a community

Ever wondered what being part of a community feels like? People who you can support and in return support you and make you feel loved? It can be something even as small as a hello or good morning each day to brighten the mood and show appreciation for being a fellow...

The Over-Sexualization Of Certain Men and Women

The Over-Sexualization Of Certain Men and Women

Sex is a natural action and there is and should be nothing wrong with that. It should be embraced, taught (properly in schools I could write a whole other article solely on this), and practiced safely without fear of judgment. In fact, that’s how most of us are here...

Has travel content lost its uniqueness?

Has travel content lost its uniqueness?

There used to be a time when traveling was seen as rare and unique, not as an opportunity solely for emulating the latest photo trends. It used to just be about enjoying the time away from your current environment and/or discovering new things. However, it seems with...

Poem Collection

The art collection created by Lana Mercury revolves around a wide range of topics from health, women, current affairs to personal experiences and many more.


“Type of things”



What is Potography?

Potography is an art form which combines the thoughtful words of poetry and stunning images of photography to create a new expression of art. 

The term was coined by Lana Mercury and is a central theme throughout his work. 

Spoken Word Event

A monthly event part of the Greenwich Peninsula



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